Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Our "No Fly" Cruise

I usually post to this blog while traveling but this time we were mostly out of range of internet connection or if we had it, it was very expensive. This time I am going to re-enact the whole thing day by dayb but it will all be after the fact.
Day One:
We drove our car about 30 minutes away where we left it parked for free for the duration and board a motor coach (BUS, to those of us not in the travel business).
We had a stop at the Civil War Museum and the Pennsyvania State Capitol in Harrisburg. No pictures from the museum but here is the PA state capitol.


Inside we saw increasingly elaborate domes.
A nice skylight

Classical Style

Gigantic Tiffany Lamp Dome
Our first night was in Bethlehem Pennsylvania was at the steel mill! I'm not kidding. They have turned the old Bethlehem Steel Headquarters into a Casino/Hotel and the old mill still looms gloomily next door.
Our room was a complete contrast.


Day Two:
Princeton New Jersey
The town and university were amazing as was our very peppy tour guide. The founder of the school was John Witherspoon and his great great however many greats grand-daughter is the actress Reese Witherspoon. Our guide was very much Reese-like.

She is an adult with a teen-age son, but could be a Princeton cheerleader.
Guess who lived in the house below.
If you guessed ALBERT EINSTEIN you are right
We lunched at the exclusive private Nassau Club where I invaded this guys privacy when I snapped this. That's Woodrow Wilson over the fireplace. His nemesis, Grover Cleveland, who was also a Princeton & US president hangs over another fireplace to the left.

By now, you are probably wondering what kind of cruise this is. Where is the ship? Well, we arrived at Cape Liberty port in Bayonne New Jersey around 2:30 to board.
Our Stateroom
I thought it quite roomy...Dan not so much.
We set sail. The Verrazano Straits Bridge is ahead. It connects Brooklyn with Staten Island.
My next post will show more of the ship and SUNSHINE! Stay tuned.
By the way, in case you are wondering we are NOT on a Carnival Cruise.